Normanhurst Vet’s Essential Advice on What to Do in a Pet Emergency

As devoted and dedicated pet owners, it’s our responsibility to ensure the well-being of our furry companions. Whilst we always try to keep them safe, accidents and emergencies can happen unexpectedly. It’s important to know what to do in a pet emergency, it’s vital to stay calm and act swiftly and to provide the necessary care.

Normanhurst Vets have put together a step-by-step guide on what to do in a pet emergency, providing essential advice to help you be prepared in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Stay Calm

Dealing with a pet emergency requires focus that can often be challenging. However, the importance of maintaining calmness can’t be overstated. Your pet is highly aware of your emotional state, and will respond to your calmness with a more settled response. Taking a deep breath and allowing yourself a moment to assess the situation will help. When you are consciously calm, you’ll be better able to make decisions that prioritise the health and safety of your pet.

Remember, your ability to remain composed is crucial. You not only enhance your capability to assess the situation with clarity but also ensure you are providing the most effective support possible for your pet when they need you.

Take a moment, take a deep breath, focus on lowering your heart rate and remain calm and focussed.

Assess the Situation

Once you’re feeling calmer, the next step is to accurately assess the condition your pet finds itself in. Observation is key. Start by looking your pet over for any obvious signs of injury, distress, or change from their normal behaviour or movement. These could range from obvious wounds, limping, or difficulty breathing, to more subtle indicators such as whining, reluctance to move, or an unusual posture. It’s important to take your, understanding that your observations will determine the urgency and nature of the action you’ll need to take next.

During this assessment, refrain from making any hasty judgements or interventions without a clear understanding of your pet’s state. If your pet is conscious, approach gently, using a soothing tone to avoid startling them further. Remember, pets can often mask pain or discomfort, so your ability to pick up on the less apparent signs of distress is important. This evaluation not only aids in conveying the nature of the emergency when you contact Normanhurst Vet, but also in making an informed decision on whether to take your pet to us, or whether on-site assistance is required. This observation and assessment mean that you will be taking the most appropriate steps to safeguard the well-being of your pet in a crisis situation.

Determine if You Can Move the Animal

Deciding whether to move your pet following an emergency requires a cautious approach. Firstly, look for any signs of severe distress or injury; this includes seeing whether your pet can support its own weight or if movement causes any signs of pain. In situations where your pet is clearly in pain, unconscious, or has a potential spinal injury, it is important to wait for professional assistance. Unnecessary movement could increase injuries, leading to further complications.

However, if the surrounding environment poses an immediate threat to your pet’s safety and you feel it is safe to move them, do so with great care. Use a flat surface such as a board or a blanket as a makeshift stretcher to support their body evenly. Avoid placing pressure on injured areas and keep your pet as horizontal as possible during the transition to a safer location.

Remember, when in doubt, professional advice from our team at Normanhurst Vet should be sought to guide you through the appropriate course of action. Keep our phone number in your contacts so you can contact us quickly.

Call Normanhurst Vet Emergency Service

If you find yourself faced with a pet emergency, immediate contact with us is very important. Normanhurst Vet is ready to assist, offering an emergency service that is accessible 24/7, ensuring that your pet receives swift and efficient care when it matters most. Call us on 02 9489 6000 and you will be in touch with our team of veterinary professionals who can help you manage any emergency situations. They will provide you with guidance over the phone, advising on whether you should bring your pet into the clinic or wait for further assistance from our mobile vet service. This initial conversation is a critical step in the emergency process, as it allows our team to prepare for your arrival, ensuring that we can be ready to provide the necessary treatment quickly. It also gives you the opportunity to give important information about your pet’s condition to Normanhurst Vet team to ensure we provide advice tailored to your pet’s specific needs. Engaging with the emergency service is not just about securing immediate care; it’s about partnering with a team that values the health and safety of your pet as much as you do. In the moment of crisis, knowing that you have the support of experienced veterinary professionals can provide a profound sense of reassurance.

Normanhurst Vet’s Mobile Vet Service

In scenarios where your pet’s condition renders them unable to travel, Normanhurst Vet’s mobile vet service is a great option. This service brings the clinic’s care directly to your door, ensuring your pet receives the immediate and professional medical attention they require, all within the familiar surroundings of their own home. Using this service reduces the potential stress and risks associated with transporting an injured or ill pet to the surgery. The Normanhurst Vet mobile team is equipped to perform a wide range of emergency interventions on-site, from administering pain relief to conducting initial assessments, and are able to start the treatment process without delay.

It’s important to note that or mobile vet service may be on other calls when emergencies arise, so it’s important you phone the surgery as soon as possible to see if the Vet Van is available to come to you quickly..

Safely Transport Your Pet

In the event that your pet needs to be transported to a veterinary clinic, do so with care. Ensure your pet is comfortably housed in a carrier or securely wrapped in a blanket to minimise stress and movement, especially if they have sustained injuries.

The journey to Normanhurst Vet should be undertaken with the utmost care. Follow any guidance previously given over the phone by our Normanhurst Vet team to guarantee your pet’s safety during transport.

It’s best, where possible, to have another person come with you, allowing them to provide comfort to your pet while you focus on driving. The importance of remaining calm and focused during transport cannot be overstressed; it helps avoid additional anxiety for both you and your pet.

Remember, breathe, and focus, drive to the speed limit and road conditions. When you arrive, inform the veterinary team of your pet’s condition and any first aid administered, this will help our team’s assessment and subsequent treatment. Taking these steps ensures not only the safe transport of your pet to the clinic but also helps get the best outcome.

Stay With Your Pet if Appropriate

During a pet emergency, your calm presence can be comforting and reassuring to your companion. Being with them, offering gentle strokes and soothing words, significantly alleviates their stress and anxiety. This support is not merely a gesture of affection but a critical element in stabilising their emotional well-being during a stressful time. However, listen to your veterinary team’s advice.

It’s essential to maintain a composed and reassuring demeanour, as pets are incredibly perceptive and will often mirror their owner’s emotional state. You can play an integral role in the treatment and recovery process, but if you feel you are too anxious and that your emotions may cause your pet more stress, be prepared to stand aside to let our team work calmly and quickly on your friend.

If you find yourself in a situation that requires emergency help, call us on 02 9849 6000 between 8 am and 7 pm, Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 4 pm on Saturday, and between 10 am and 12 pm on Sunday. We look forward to hearing from you.

Outside these hours, NEVS, the Northside Emergency Veterinary Service, 335 Mona Vale Road, Terry Hills, operates 24/7 every day of the year. Simply phone 02 9452 2933 to contact their dedicated emergency team. More information is available at

Alternatively, for after-hours emergencies, you can take your sick or injured pet to SASH (Small Animal Specialist Hospital). SASH are located at 1 Richardson Place, North Ryde and they offer a 24/7/365 service. You can call them on 02 9889 0289 so they are expecting you.